Mazar-e-Sharif Municipality believes that it has provided best possible services for citizens with no exception in accordance municipal law and other bills and regulations. It has accepted replication and accountability as its top priorities.

Message from Mayor of Mazar Municipality

2 months 2 weeks ago

Mazar-e-sharif Municipality Tries day and night as a services and budgetary institution to provide same and standard services in 12-Area for citizens under the basic and difficult condition.

This institution strive for more than two million people. It also emphasize the serious cooperation of citizens in order to preserve the environment and city cleanliness.

We think for a dream city and you will help us to fulfill it.


Al-haj Maulavi Mohammad Kazim "Tariq"

Latest newsAll News

Tue, Oct 01 2024 11:35 AM
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Championship of the municipality futsal team at the level of Balkh province

Congratulations to the mayor of Mazar-e-Sharif for the championship of the municipal futsal team at the level of Balkh province!
The futsal competition, which started between 26 teams. . .

Thu, Sep 05 2024 10:57 AM
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Warned by Swan

The memorandum of cooperation between Mazar-e-Sharif Municipality and Mawlana Jalaluddin Muhammad Balkhi University was signed in the presence of Honorable Alhaj Mohammad Kazem "Tariq". . .

Tue, Aug 06 2024 11:40 AM
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The Mayor Of Mazar-e-Sharif Met With The Head Of Nokhbagan Higher Education Institute.

The mayor of Mazar-e-Sharif city welcomed the attendees and said that the Mazar-e-Sharif municipality office is a common house for everyone and is ready to provide any kind of services. . .

Latest announcementsAll announcements

Sun, Oct 13 2024 9:55 AM
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Tender Announcement of the concreting of Karte Naushad road Q project

It is hereby brought to the notice of the public companies in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 43 of the procurement law that Mazar-e-Sharif municipality is considering a contract . . .

Tue, Oct 01 2024 11:14 AM
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Announcement of the concreting of Baba qambar road located in Project U of the second district

It is hereby brought to the notice of the public companies in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 43 of the Procurement Law that Mazar-e-Sharif municipality is considering the . . .

Sat, Sep 28 2024 1:59 PM
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Announcement of bituminization and asphalting of the second phase of Juma Ahak road

It is hereby brought to the notice of the public companies in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 43 of the Procurement Law that Mazar-e-Sharif municipality is considering the . . .

Latest tendersAll available tenders

Thu, Oct 10 2024 10:15 AM
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Tender Announcement of repair and renovate the amusement park of project S

Mazar-e-Sharif municipal administration intends to fundamentally repair and renovate the amusement park of project S located in the 9th district according to the volume estimate table . . .

Sat, Oct 05 2024 9:13 AM
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Tender Announcement of 20 toilets and parking spaces of the grain store

Mazar Sharif municipal administration, according to the ruling number (12600) dated 1446/3/13 the respected authority of the directorate and in order to strengthen its financial base, . . .

Tue, Oct 01 2024 10:55 AM
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Tender Announcement of to rent a high-speed urban parking in front of Se Dukan masjid

In order to strengthen its financial base, the Mazar-e-Sharif municipal administration intends to rent a high-speed urban parking in front of Se Dukan masjid this year through a tender. . . .

VacanciesAll available vacancies

Sat, Jul 27 2024 12:25 PM
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Announcement Of Three Vacant Posts Of Mazar-e-Sharif Municipality

In order to create a healthy administration and entrust the work to its people, the Municipality of Mazar-e-Sharif has announced three (4) engineering vacancies.

Sun, Mar 22 2020 8:40 AM

شاروالی مزارشریف

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اعلان کاریابی

به منظور ایجاد اداره سالم و سپردن کار به اهل آن ریاست شهرداری مزارشریف طبق تشکیل منظور شده سال 1398 خویش به این تعداد بست ها را به اعلان سپرده است.

Thu, Feb 20 2020 12:23 PM
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شاروالی مزارشریف پس از این در این بخش بست های خالی را به اعلان می سپارد

All mediaAll media

روز دو شنبه ریاست شاروالی مزارشريف حشر عمومی به منظور پاکسازی و صفائی شهر از وجود زباله ها و کثافات در نواحی دوازده گانه شهر با اشتراک هزاران شهروند شهر مزارشریف راه اندازی کرد

حشر عمومی به منظور پاکسازی و صفائی شهر مزارشریف از وجود زباله ها و کثافات راه اندازی گرديد

باشندگان ناحیه سوم شهر مزارشریف از ارایه خدمات به موقع تیم کاری آمریت این ناحیه ابراز خرسندی میکند

کنترول برسی تیم تنظیم مارکیت های ریاست شاروالی مزارشریف ازساحات مختلف شهر

پاک کاری زباله دانی های سطح شهر از سوی پرسونل امریت تنظیف و سرسبزی شاروالی مزارشریف

شاروال شهر مزارشریف از چگونگی امور سروی و دیزاین سرک مزار - حیرتان نظارت نمود

گزارش ویژه از کارکرد آمریت ناحیه دوم ریاست شاروالی مزارشریف !

پاک کاری و لوش کشی آبروها و کانال های شهر مزارشريف

آمریت ناحیه اول شاروالی مزار شریف از عواید بیش ازده میلیون افغانی خبر میدهد

سنگ تهداب یک محراب مسجد در ساحه بلاکهای رهایشی مولانا واقع در ناحیه چهارم گذاشته شد

افتتاح کانکریت ریزی 1 کیلو متر سرک بلند منزل های ناحیه هفتم از سوی شاروالی مزارشریف

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