Latest newsAll News
Championship of the municipality futsal team at the level of Balkh province
Congratulations to the mayor of Mazar-e-Sharif for the championship of the municipal futsal team at the level of Balkh province!
The futsal competition, which started between 26 teams. . .
Warned by Swan
The memorandum of cooperation between Mazar-e-Sharif Municipality and Mawlana Jalaluddin Muhammad Balkhi University was signed in the presence of Honorable Alhaj Mohammad Kazem "Tariq". . .
The Mayor Of Mazar-e-Sharif Met With The Head Of Nokhbagan Higher Education Institute.
The mayor of Mazar-e-Sharif city welcomed the attendees and said that the Mazar-e-Sharif municipality office is a common house for everyone and is ready to provide any kind of services. . .
Latest announcementsAll announcements
Announcement of construction and erection of a crossroads named Martyr Al-Hajj Mohammad Daoud Muzammil
This is to inform all companies in accordance with Article 43, Paragraph 2 of the Procurement Law that the Municipality of Mazar-e-Sharif intends to award the contract for the . . .
Announcement of contract for the concreting of the Karte Zahiruddin Faryabi Road
This is to inform all companies in accordance with Article 43, Paragraph 2 of the Procurement Law that the Municipality of Mazar-e-Sharif intends to award the contract for the . . .
Auction of futsal field located west of the Kamgar crossroad
Sohrab son of Noor Mohammad has been declared the winner of the bidding meeting for the rental of the futsal field located west of the Kamgar intersection, owned by the Mazar-e-Sharif . . .
Latest tendersAll available tenders
Tender Announcement of construct a new commercial market in the southeast area of Kamal Nabizada intersection
The honorable Bahari Noori Company, based on the application form wishes to construct a new commercial market in the southeast area of Kamal Nabizada intersection according to the . . .
Tender Announcement of procure and install 19 traffic signal lights in the city of Mazar-e-Sharif
The Mazar-e-Sharif Municipality intends to procure and install 19 traffic signal lights in accordance fiscal year 1403 plan, along with their one-year maintenance and care in the city . . .
Tender Announcement of futsal field located in the project S of the 9th district
In order to strengthen its financial base the Mazar-e-Sharif Municipality intends to allow the construction of the futsal field located in the project S of the 9th district of the . . .
VacanciesAll available vacancies
Announcement Of Three Vacant Posts Of Mazar-e-Sharif Municipality
In order to create a healthy administration and entrust the work to its people, the Municipality of Mazar-e-Sharif has announced three (4) engineering vacancies.
اعلان کاریابی
به منظور ایجاد اداره سالم و سپردن کار به اهل آن ریاست شهرداری مزارشریف طبق تشکیل منظور شده سال 1398 خویش به این تعداد بست ها را به اعلان سپرده است.