Auction of High-Speed Vehicle Urban Parking
The names of Mohammad Sadiq Son of Khan Gul , the organization of the tendering assembly of a high-speed urban vehicle parking lot located in front of the Seh Dukan Masjid in Mazar-e-Sharif, have been recognized as the winners for an annual amount of 910,000 Afghanis.
Individuals and companies who have a request for the auction in the form of a contract, according to the terms and conditions given, have submitted their requests to the Directorate of Procurement and Contracts of the Mazar-e-Sharif Municipal Administration from the date of publication of the notice, and after the date of publication of the notice, they have submitted their requests to the office of the Facilitation Manager within 7 calendar days after the date of publication of the notice. The contracts were referred to and the cash guarantee was in the amount of 100,000 one hundred thousand Afghani.